Hi there, i love your tileset so much! Im currently working on a platformer concept but my question is, are you ever gonna expand on this? So far i've added a bat and slime enemy myself. But there is so much potential!
Is there any way that you can include the chest sprite separate of the Trapmoor placement and also maybe the particle effects coming off of the sludge?
Sure, I will add the chest as a separate sprite. And for the particle effects I assume you mean the splash from when the sludge hits the ground? If so, that should be fixable I'll look into it.
Awesome, yeah, if you're able to add the splash from the sludge (the one from falling) and maybe even the sludge pool (it currently has an animation, but I don't think it's the one shown on this site's gif, but I could be mistaken).
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Hi there, i love your tileset so much! Im currently working on a platformer concept but my question is, are you ever gonna expand on this? So far i've added a bat and slime enemy myself. But there is so much potential!

what a delight to look at!
This is really good
Do you do work to order? I like your style
Just bought this badboy ! i love the style !
Is there any way that you can include the chest sprite separate of the Trapmoor placement and also maybe the particle effects coming off of the sludge?
Sure, I will add the chest as a separate sprite. And for the particle effects I assume you mean the splash from when the sludge hits the ground? If so, that should be fixable I'll look into it.
Awesome, yeah, if you're able to add the splash from the sludge (the one from falling) and maybe even the sludge pool (it currently has an animation, but I don't think it's the one shown on this site's gif, but I could be mistaken).
This pack is awesome! Is there any way that you can add more enemies by chance and possibly separate sword/item sprites?
Thanks! I'll probably add another enemy at least.
That would be super awesome! I'm currently using this pack for a project and it's been super useful.
Thanks for the update! Now get back to work! :D
You're welcome! Hah, ok will do :)
When can we expect move + attack animations? :)
Soonish! I might start looking at that this weekend actually
Sooooo cool! Awesome kind of art!
Thank you kindly!
Great job. This goes great with your other pack. When I get home, you got my money :)
Thanks so much! Appreciate it
You did a great job at creating a top level tileset. Looks outstanding!
Thanks! Glad you like it